Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Olympics 101 (2012)

Well it's been an exciting day for me and Canada! Canada has now 3 Medals all bronze. Yes I absolutely love love love the Olympics this morning I got up and was glued to the tv watching one of my favorite events SWIMMING!!!! Phelps is now the most dedicated Olympian of all times!! Wow! Canada no medals in swimming didn't even qualify for most events :(. Know what Canada may not get too many medals but London 2012 has been amazing for Canadian athletes! First ever medal in women's weightlifting, medaled in judo for the first time since like 1978 or something really far like that, women's gymnastics placed 5th! First time ever placing top 5 in Olympic history!! Which is like getting medal and the Chinese didn't even medal!! Which is a huge shock since gymnastics has been the Chinese gold medal since I can remember. So many things happen during the Olympics both good and bad. Japan got silver in men's gymnastics which I think shouldn't have happened! The Japanese supposedly made a dismount off the pomel horse which to me looked like he lost balance on his dismount but Japan appealed and won knocking the Ukrainians off the podium. Many people are well canadians are saying the the U.S. gold medalist in women's swimming should be a Canadian medal cuz she is dual citizenship but she's done everything in the states her training and schooling plus she chose to represent the U.S. in the Olympics it was her chose! Bad news that happen in the Olympics athletes testing positive for drugs I heard 115 got caught most from Asia before the games even begun!

Canadian horse rider got bucked off her horse the other day, athletes being dismissed from the games for racial tweets. I am sad to say but Canada isn't all that great in making it to the podium in the summer games but we did dominate in the winter games in Vancouver!!

Well if you haven't figured it out yet I am a total junkie when it comes to the Olympics :) I am a swimmer myself so I love watching diving, swimming, and sometimes water polo (which is fun to play), women's gymnastics is never a let down it is always so close to who will win and seems to always depend on the last person of the team to compete to determine if it's a gold silver or bronze.

The Olympics are just soo amazing I did the math of phelps journey (he's one amazing swimmer) he went to his first Olympics when he was I think 16 in Athens I think, so 4 years to Bejing then 4 more to London that's 8 years of training not including the training before Athens! He is around the age of 28 now competing against younger Athletes now too. It takes so much dedication for athletes to train that long and sacrifice so much just to be at the Olympics!

Crazy other stuff happening people are buying the I think VIP seats and aren't showing!!!! I wanna knock some sense into those fools!!!! How can you buy those tickets and not show!??!!!!! For major events too like beach volleyball (which I also like to watch) and swimming!!! Grrr!! It makes me soo mad! It's the Olympics and you have tickets and don't bother to show? I'd say you better be on your death bed to not use those tickets! So ya I am mad about that I'd show to every event cuz I'd spend a fortune on some amazing seats!! :) well 2016 Olympics I might go see :) hahahahaha probably not cheering from home in front of the TV is still awesome lol

People doing that makes me mad like how I get mad at stupid drivers. Story of my bad driver experience i was coming home from Safeway and no lights just a stop sign I was going straight had to wait for it to be clear to go and for my car I have to wait an extra long time cuz she takes a little while to get going. Truck dude comes up behind me bad mood or something cuz I get a txt (oops distracted driving but not really cuz I was stopped) I just checked to see who it was didn't reply or anything and I missed my chance to go boo woo!! Truck dude started honking (I understand) I look back he's cursing his mouth off!!! Which then gets me mad that he's swearing at me!! So I take an extra long time to go ( also cuz I couldn't go at the moment cuz I can't chance things with my car) but still I don't care if your mom is dying no need to use that kind of language at me! And jUst learn a little bit more of patience!! So he got me mad might have been my fault I don't care I don't like people using that language at me never have never will!! Ok so that was mean sorry but still learn to control your anger please.

He just about my ruined the wonderful mood I was in. Went to the legislature and cooled off with a bunch of girls from church a lot of fun! But Nadine (my sis in law) saved my day! Pizza and a movie! Ice age 4 soo funny!! Definitely recommend seeing it!! It was Awesome! Hahaha so thnx Nadine for saving my wonderful mood today!! :) Goodnight all!!

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