I had a son named him Ian Daniel Way, he is great I think he's starting to get blue eyes which I'm happy about. His bruising and sores on his head are healed and his cord has fallen off. Now I give him baths in his baby bath tub, he doesn't like it very much but is getting better. I will make a water baby out of him soon :) I guess mothers only tell the good parts of motherhood for a reason, if women really knew everything about having a baby most probably wouldn't. Exhaustion, frusteration, hormones out of wack, and in pain if you had a c-section. For the first few weeks it was hard just getting up, then once I got up I was hunched over till I could stand up straight. First few weeks with a new baby I would say have been the hardest so far. I think me and Allan have almost the hang of things. I would say I'm almost back to normal! I can get up without trouble now, not really taking any pain meds just mostly for a headache I've been fighting for the past week. Ian has been sleeping for about 3 hours at a time during the night yay! Allan takes the first shift the evening till Ian actually goes to sleep so I can get a couple hours of sleep. I am usually in bed no later then 10:30pm now. No more 2am reading a book :( an no more sleeping in till 11am. I am also usually up for 10am to feed Ian.
I have been reading a lot of these amazing posts on Facebook about c-sections and stay at home moms (which I will be) and what's called mommy wars. I loved the mommy wars post all about loving more and judging less no matter what you decide to do whether breastfeed or formula, religion or no religion, stay at home or work.
That was my biggest issue and I think goes for a lot of new mothers being afraid of being judged by other moms. Why judge? Every mother will know what is best for her child and will definately try her hardest to make sure her child grows strong and healthy.
I know it is ideal to breastfeed and I tried I did but found out my supply is not enough to feed my baby not even for one feeding. I produce maybe 2oz a day when I was pumping every 3-4 hours. I have decided it was not worth my time and stress to pump so much for such little amounts. So formula it is. Ian sometimes eats 4oz in one feeding now, he is growing and fast! I've shed many tears over this. Everything I planned for the baby just seemed to not work out at all. Wanted a natur birth went in for a c-section and wanted to breastfeed but not able to. Ian is still healthy even with formula and I am happy. I've accepted the fact that I won't be breast feeding but still pumping a little bit when I feel full? But still that isn't much either. Formula has its bright side though Allan can now feed him when I need a break or feeling ill. He can help more and does amazing :) plus easier to go out, here's a bottle and formula and head out. Allan supports my decision and a lot of my family does too.
Recovery is all going great I'm able to carry the car seat now and the stroller, I don't very often but I'm able to now :) I have also lost almost all of my pregnancy weight I gained :) I didn't gain very much only around 40lbs. Not bad :)
Ian is amazing, I can't get over being able to dress him up all cute like!! And fall asleep cuddling him :) he's so cute! I love love my little family :)
You're doing amazing Rebecca! You and Allan are and will continue to be amazing parents!